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Lifebridge Australia

Supporting People in Our Community

  • News & Events

    CEO Update April 2018

    In our March edition I wrote of a pending major milestone being the implementation of our new Customer Management System. I am delighted to advise that Disability Services has successfully transitioned to the new system which will continue to deliver positive changes in our operations and processes and deliver considerable benefits to our customers. While implementation has initially been with Disability Services, Aged Care Services will also transition in the coming months. I’m confident this too, will be a seamless transition with little to no disruption to daily services. Another major milestone achieved this month was the successful transition of Disability Services from our Caloola premises, home since December 2014, to our new community integrated Hubs model. We have been overwhelmed…

  • News & Events

    CEO Update March 2018

    In the coming weeks, Lifebridge will reach a milestone we have been working towards for over 18 months, the staged implementation of our new Customer Management System. The introduction of this technology represents considerable change in Lifebridge’s operations, processes and deliverables and most importantly, offers significant benefits to our customers. As we continue to review our business model under the NDIS and Aged Care Reforms, we discovered just how necessary this change was and how its success would play an essential part in ensuring sustainable, quality services for our customers. Trying to find a system that would accommodate our needs, as well as the needs of the NDIS, Home Care…