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Lifebridge Australia

Supporting People in Our Community

News & Events

CEO Update – September 2017

The transition to NDIS and Home Care Packages continues and with it our progression to creating more community based activities.  The commencement of renovations to Kingscliff has been rescheduled for later in the year. As we have previously stated the changes to the Kingscliff site will have no impact on service delivery for the Cottage and other aged care programs.

Staff at Disability Services have also been working toward moving more of our programs out of Caloola and into the community. In October, we will be launching a revamped and expanded HUB at Chinderah with the intention of opening a third HUB at Ocean Shores by end of year. In parallel, there is another HUB currently being investigated with possible opportunities for combining several Lifebridge activities into the one location.

The introduction of the HUBS is more than a new place to run programs from, it will:

• Change how transport and service is delivered,
• Provide customers with more activity time, which is a better use of their funds.
• Provide greater opportunity for co-designing programs which is empowering.
• Enable greater flexibility and responsiveness to changing needs.
• Limit the travelling that staff will be required to do; and so much more.

We are just starting to explore the possibilities of what a fully operational HUB can offer. We have already identified that the HUBS have the potential for greater mainstream integration, which aligns perfectly with our vision and purpose.

It is inspiring as I watch how staff across the entire organisation are transitioning. Although transition does not come without its challenges, people are energised and excited about the possibilities that can be created and offered to our customers.

Staff are forward thinking and positive as they work together to find solutions. I love the feeling of excitement and “can do” attitude that they bring to the work place each day. I know it energises me and reinforces my strong belief that Lifebridge has so much to offer the community and its customers.

On that note, I would like to offer congratulations to the Team at Aged Care and in particular, Janelle Egas and the kitchen volunteers. They underwent the annual NSW Food Audit and received an “A” rating. Although the use of the kitchen and many activities and processes have changed over past months, the high standards that we have come to expect from a Lifebridge program has not changed.

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