1800 043 186

Lifebridge Australia

Supporting People in Our Community

  • NDIS News,  News & Events

    CEO Update – May 2018

    The recent announcement of 14,000 additional Home Care Packages from the 2018-19 Federal Budget is very welcomed news. We’re proud to be supporting Australians to live independently in their homes for longer. This increase to allocated packages means that more people will move off the waiting list and receive packages which can be tailored to meet their needs. This in turn gives Lifebridge increased confidence to grow and expand its services and programs to meet the needs of its customers. It is reassuring to see the Government allocating resources to areas where it is needed so service providers like Lifebridge can make a positive difference in people’s lives. Equally reassuring…

  • News & Events

    Important Changes to Plan Management at Lifebridge

    Following an intensive review into the services provided at Lifebridge a decision has been made to cease the provision of Plan Management Services under NDIS. If you are currently receiving Plan Management Services from Lifebridge, we will continue to honour our agreement and will provide this service until your Service Agreement expires. At this time, when your Service Agreement is to be renewed we will no longer be able to offer Plan Management. While this change on first appearance may be distressing, please know this change is necessary to ensure our resources are focused on the services we provide best, so that we can continue providing exceptional service to all…

  • News & Events

    Changes to Lifebridge Service Agreements

    Under the NDIS the relationship between time required and funding is ever more important. This fine line determines what is feasible and what isn’t.  As some of you may be aware, in the beginning Lifebridge offered Service Agreements less than a six-month duration. What we’ve discovered however, is that the amount of unfunded time required, makes this unfeasible. As of February 1, 2018, Lifebridge will only offer a minimum Service Agreement length of six months and from July 1, 2018, Lifebridge will only offer a minimum Service Agreement length of twelve months. Please note, that the duration of the Service Agreement doesn’t impact your right to have choice. There is a…

  • News & Events

    A better way of doing things

    It has been stated that the NDIS is the greatest social change since the introduction of Medicare. And a scheme of this magnitude cannot be introduced and successfully implemented if organisations such as Lifebridge Australia do not change and align with the new principles and guidelines. As such, Lifebridge is currently going through some big changes and although people can grow accustomed to schedules and routines as it gives them a feeling of comfort, this way of operating isn’t sustainable. We’re required to be agile, flexible and opportunistic to provide the best possible supports to our customers. We’re humbled by the positive attitudes and how many of our customers are…

  • News & Events

    CEO Update Feb 2018

    ‘Change’ and ‘Adaptability’ make the focal-point of this month’s Newsletter. Two notions, spoken about in great prevalence over the past couple of years and highlighted again in this edition as we continue our transformation to align with a truly revolutionary scheme, the NDIS. By March 31, 2018 all services previously at Caloola, will be operating from other venues. A change that focuses on greater opportunity for capacity building and community integration. Our shift from Caloola, sees the launch of three new and expanded Hubs, at Chinderah, West Tweed and at Murwillumbah. The response and feedback we’ve received from our customers already has been very positive and it’s encouraging to see…