Changes to Lifebridge Service Agreements
Under the NDIS the relationship between time required and funding is ever more important. This fine line determines what is feasible and what isn’t. As some of you may be aware, in the beginning Lifebridge offered Service Agreements less than a six-month duration. What we’ve discovered however, is that the amount of unfunded time required, makes this unfeasible.
As of February 1, 2018, Lifebridge will only offer a minimum Service Agreement length of six months and from July 1, 2018, Lifebridge will only offer a minimum Service Agreement length of twelve months.
Please note, that the duration of the Service Agreement doesn’t impact your right to have choice. There is a clause in the Service Agreement that allows both, participants and Lifebridge to evoke a four-week notice period to end a Service Agreement. This is still an option for both parties.
By increasing the length of Service Agreements, Lifebridge will be able to focus on delivering supports that are beneficial to all involved.
For customers who already have a Service Agreement in place, this is still valid, and the changes will only take place when your current Service Agreement expires.
If you have any questions or concerns about the change to Service Agreements, please contact Lifebridge on 1800 043 186.