New Integrated Carer Support Services
The Australian Government is rolling out a range of new early-intervention Carer Support Services and supports for carers in late 2019. These new services have been designed based on evidence that shows the best way to help carers is to help them early in their caring role, increase their skills and reduce the strain of caring. These new services can help carers get the support they need before reaching crisis point. New Carer Support Services to give carers better support and skills Carers can now access new online services: Peer support – to assist carers to connect with and learn from other carers. This online community forum will help carers…
Litterally Impacted
Lifebridge Multi Media and Photography Group film "Litterally Impacted" which highlights the impact of litter on our precious environment and how we, as individuals, can help to combat this growing problem.
Art and Craft benefits for Young Adults
In a world where mental health and well-being is becoming increasingly important, it is the perfect time for you to join one of Lifebridge Australia’s art and craft programs. What are the benefits to me, you might ask?
CEO Update – May 2018
The recent announcement of 14,000 additional Home Care Packages from the 2018-19 Federal Budget is very welcomed news. We’re proud to be supporting Australians to live independently in their homes for longer. This increase to allocated packages means that more people will move off the waiting list and receive packages which can be tailored to meet their needs. This in turn gives Lifebridge increased confidence to grow and expand its services and programs to meet the needs of its customers. It is reassuring to see the Government allocating resources to areas where it is needed so service providers like Lifebridge can make a positive difference in people’s lives. Equally reassuring…
Federal Budget Review: Disability & Aged Care
The good, the bad and the indifferent. We take a look at Federal Treasurer Scott Morrison’s 2018-2019 Budget and highlight the key points that may be of interest to you and your future plans.
A Scheme responsive to the community
In early March 2018, the NDIA published the NDIS Pathways Review in response to resounding feedback that the Scheme was falling short of expectations. The review looked at the interactions participants, families, carers and providers have with the Scheme and where there have been gaps.
You’ve got your NDIS Plan, what now?
Received your NDIS Approved Plan, but not sure what to do now? Learn what steps you need to take to begin implementation and what supports you can receive.
What is a NDIS Service Agreement and what is its purpose?
A Service Agreement is a written agreement (contract) that exists between you and your provider of choice. The purpose of a Service Agreement is to provide a set of rules that you and the provider will adhere to.
Things you need to know about a NDIS Service Agreement
Before you begin receiving supports from a Service Provider, you will need to set up a Service Agreement with them. Understand what is a Service Agreement and what are the things you need to look for and understand.
NDIS scheme rolls out across NSW
On July 1, Lifebridge Australia officially commenced our operations under the National Disability Insurance Scheme. Now available statewide people with disability are at the centre of decision-making.