Important Changes to Plan Management at Lifebridge
Following an intensive review into the services provided at Lifebridge a decision has been made to cease the provision of Plan Management Services under NDIS. If you are currently receiving Plan Management Services from Lifebridge, we will continue to honour our agreement and will provide this service until your Service...
Changes to Lifebridge Service Agreements
Under the NDIS the relationship between time required and funding is ever more important. This fine line determines what is feasible and what isn’t. As some of you may be aware, in the beginning Lifebridge offered Service Agreements less than a six-month duration. What we’ve discovered however, is that the amount...
Active Communications, why it’s important
Throughout the course of a year, Lifebridge will produce a number of communications. These can range from our publications like the Customer Newsletter and Lifebridge Quarterly, to our more adhoc and specific purpose communications such as emails or mailouts. On occasion, we’re asked why we produce such items? The answer...
Us the Band hit the road
Invited on the strength of their performance at the Cooly Rocks On Festival, Us the Band will be hitting the road on March 4, 2018 to perform at the Stanthorpe Apple and Grape Harvest Festival. The Stanthorpe Apple & Grape Harvest Festival, with a strong reputation for offering “something for...
A better way of doing things
It has been stated that the NDIS is the greatest social change since the introduction of Medicare. And a scheme of this magnitude cannot be introduced and successfully implemented if organisations such as Lifebridge Australia do not change and align with the new principles and guidelines. As such, Lifebridge is...
CEO Update Feb 2018
‘Change’ and ‘Adaptability’ make the focal-point of this month’s Newsletter. Two notions, spoken about in great prevalence over the past couple of years and highlighted again in this edition as we continue our transformation to align with a truly revolutionary scheme, the NDIS. By March 31, 2018 all services previously...
We’re at Murwillumbah
Murwillumbah is a town known to many for its rich history and timeless preservation. Its enviable weather, its alternativeness and its rural atmosphere. The town is home to many wanting to make a change from city-living and home to many talented artists. As of February 1, 2018, Murwillumbah officially opened its doors to Lifebridge who now have a shop front and Murwillumbah Hub at 1, 131 Murwillumbah St, Murwillumbah.
You’ve got your NDIS Plan, what now?
Received your NDIS Approved Plan, but not sure what to do now? Learn what steps you need to take to begin implementation and what supports you can receive.
What is a NDIS Service Agreement and what is its purpose?
A Service Agreement is a written agreement (contract) that exists between you and your provider of choice. The purpose of a Service Agreement is to provide a set of rules that you and the provider will adhere to.
Things you need to know about a NDIS Service Agreement
Before you begin receiving supports from a Service Provider, you will need to set up a Service Agreement with them. Understand what is a Service Agreement and what are the things you need to look for and understand.