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Lifebridge Australia

Supporting People in Our Community

News & Events

Active Communications, why it’s important

Throughout the course of a year, Lifebridge will produce a number of communications. These can range from our publications like the Customer Newsletter and Lifebridge Quarterly, to our more adhoc and specific purpose communications such as emails or mailouts. On occasion, we’re asked why we produce such items? The answer is simple, ‘transparency’.

We’re in a period of change and many of our customers are either being introduced to Home Care Packages or transitioning to the NDIS, which can be exciting, terrifying, challenging, overwhelming and any number of emotions all at the same time. So, our communications are important, to keep you informed of what is happening in the industry, but also what is happening at Lifebridge, what is changing, and what you can be a part of. We have a unique community at Lifebridge, but this doesn’t exist if we can’t keep everyone connected.

Lifebridge is a community that is based on the active involvement and engagement of all who are associated with it. To be an active member of any community means that you need to know what is happening and how different decisions and activities may or may not affect you. Being informed then allows you to have a stronger voice in creating the services and opportunities that have meaning and purpose for you. Building a strong, informed community is important to Lifebridge and worth the effort that is dedicated to achieving this.

Each communication produced carries a different message and has a different purpose. For example, the monthly customer newsletter provides information around the NDIS and Home Care Packages that people may require. It is also a means of communicating operational changes at Lifebridge.

The Lifebridge Quarterly is our showcase of all the achievements that those who belong to the Lifebridge community have accomplished. It informs people of the choices available to them and inspires others to try new and different approaches.

Being connected and feeling part of a vibrant and thriving community is an important aspect of any person’s sense of well-being. This is especially important for those members who are more socially isolated.

Stay connected. Make sure your receiving our communications and being kept informed of all that is happening in our community.

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