1800 043 186

Lifebridge Australia

Supporting People in Our Community

  • News & Events

    Public Holidays and Cancelation of Service

    When it comes to Public Holidays and the provision of support, there is still a little bit of confusion as to how it all works. The following information seeks to clarify any confusion. We have also included below the public holiday dates for the rest of the year for your information. Aged Care Services Aged Care Services group programs do not operate on public holidays. All Aged Care Commonwealth Home Support Services including flexible respite, social support and domestic assistance are cancelled on public holidays. Home Care Package customers can request in-home support services on a public holiday however, these need to be negotiated. Disability Services Disability Services group programs…

  • News & Events

    Changes to Lifebridge Service Agreements

    Under the NDIS the relationship between time required and funding is ever more important. This fine line determines what is feasible and what isn’t.  As some of you may be aware, in the beginning Lifebridge offered Service Agreements less than a six-month duration. What we’ve discovered however, is that the amount of unfunded time required, makes this unfeasible. As of February 1, 2018, Lifebridge will only offer a minimum Service Agreement length of six months and from July 1, 2018, Lifebridge will only offer a minimum Service Agreement length of twelve months. Please note, that the duration of the Service Agreement doesn’t impact your right to have choice. There is a…