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A Cosy Cottage Christmas in July

It maybe, cold, wet and flu season but this doesn’t stop Lifebridge Integration fun from happening.

On Friday, 15 July 2022,  the Friday Sports Group joined the Friday Fun Group in creating merriment in the Cottage where both groups celebrated Christmas in July. A festive Christmas tree, sparkling garlands, and colourful bauble ornaments added a cheery seasonal backdrop.

The 17 participants from both groups enjoyed socializing. as they sampled a range of morning tea biscuits and slices while sipping cups of hot drinks.

Maestro John entertained with a round of ‘Jingle Bells’ accompanying his own singing on piano, just before the start of the Cottage ‘Christmas in July Mini-Golf Classic’. All who teed off showed commendable point scoring and flair.  Team rivalry between the Friday Fun and Friday Sports Groups was soon overridden by general comradery as noted by the numerous eruptions of cheers and applause from all players, when points were scored by members of either team.

Taking turns on the putting ‘green’ worked up appetites for the roast pork lunch served with crackling, apple sauce, roasted sweet and white potatoes, caramelised onion, peas and gravy. The clean plates were a testament to volunteer Trevor’s talents in the kitchen! Main course was followed by sweets of apple crumble with cream.  Delicious edible take home treats of beautifully wrapped Christmas shortbread baked by Amy were provided as delicious edible souvenirs of the event.

Maestro John continued his passion for live music as he led the group in a round of The Seeker’s ‘Morningtown Ride’ before the Friday Sports Group gathered on the patio with Support Workers Sophie and Maryann to play Uno while group participant Rae and Support Worker Gina engaged the Friday Fun Group in an Elvis Music fest and singalong.

At one point, foot tapping wasn’t enough for me and I was compelled to jive and twirl around group participant Ron as I took his hand. He responded with gleeful laughter that I could have mistaken for Santa’s ‘Ho, Ho, Ho!’

Lael – Community Support Worker

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