1800 043 186

Lifebridge Australia

Supporting People in Our Community

News & Events

CEO Update – March

As of April 1, 2017, we will be 92 days from the introduction of the NDIS. As we move closer to the roll out, the Lifebridge NDIS Champion team have been working alongside families and individuals to assist in the development of pre-plans. Pre-planning allows people the opportunity to think through, discuss and plan what they need from the NDIS. Speaking to other people is often a good way to clarify exactly what is needed to create a more independent and inclusive life. If you haven’t already signed up to attend a pre-planning workshop I would encourage you to do so.

In Aged Care, Lifebridge is now an official provider of Home Care Packages. This means, that if you have an existing Home Care Package or are waiting to receive a package and would like to have Lifebridge Australia as your provider, we are now able to provide this service. If you would like further information regarding Home Care Packages please call us on 1800 043 186.

On Monday May 8, 2017 Lifebridge will be closing for an organisational staff training day. This training day is very important as it provides the opportunity to bring all staff together and discuss the internal changes and action plans as we go live with Home Care Packages and NDIS. Lifebridge is committed to providing each customer with the assistance they require as they transition. This training day will ensure that all staff understand and are prepared for both the internal and external changes that are coming.

Finally, I hope you all managed to remain safe and dry during the most recent weather system. It is always a difficult decision to close the service however, please know that our primary consideration is always the safety of our staff and customers. I hope that those who received an evacuation order are now back home and that there was no or if any, limited damage to your homes and possessions. The most important news is that no-one from the Lifebridge community was hurt.

As usual if you have any questions, concerns or feedback please do not hesitate to contact us. This is a very exciting time, please remember we are here to assist in any way we possibly can.

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