1800 043 186

Lifebridge Australia

Supporting People in Our Community

News & Events

Groovers, exciting news. There’s availability.

No, you didn’t read it wrong. There’s currently vacancies in our exciting Move to the Groove program. But don’t hesitate because the spots will fill up quickly.

If you’re unfamiliar with our program, check out what our Groovers get up to in the below video.

Move to the Groove is a highly engaging, social and collaborative dance program for the Aged.

The program explores a range of different dance styles and songs led by group participants, professionally choreographed, to create free-flowing purposeful dance in which everyone can engage. A hands-on and light-hearted approach to teaching, facilitates the needs of the group in a way that encourages all participants to give it a go. Participants also enjoy a light morning tea and lunch to keep their energy levels up as they groove the day away.

Participants in the program are over 65 years of age, and experience a range of conditions including dementia, isolation, mobility restrictions, depression and more. While Move to the Groove is a group program, the nature of the activity is fundamentally supported at an individual level. Each person’s approach and learning capacity is different and our delivery supports each individual to ensure they are following along.

The program exercises both the body and the brain and encourages the release of endorphins which trigger a positive feeling in the body. Combine this with the sense of purpose the program provides, the social engagement, the routine and feeling of something to look forward to each week and the program is changing the participants outlook on life.

Participants in the program say they feel happier, more engaged and more social than before. It is giving them purpose and meaning again.

Dancing is one of the best things you can do for your health and wellbeing so get a groove on and come and jive with us.

Move to the Groove runs on Mondays from 10am to 2pm. We currently have vacancies so if you’re interested in joining or would like further information contact Lifebridge on 1800 043 186.

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